Landmark at San Bruno Mountain, Brisbane, California

Since the 1980’s, engineers and geologists at SFB have provided geotechnical, geological, and storm water design and construction support services for the development and protection of over 750 acres of steeply sloping terrain on San Bruno Mountain in Brisbane, California.  Working closely with developers, civil & structural engineers, contractors, and city staff, SFB helped builders to plan, design, and construct hundreds of homes and associated infrastructure within a sensitive hillside environment.  The project included the long-term stabilization of slopes and protection of homes, private property, and public property from surrounding unstable hillsides and subterranean water, including the moving of over 3 million cubic yards of soil and rock and infilling of deep canyons.

Methods of slope stabilization included over-excavation of unstable soils and rock, construction of keyways and installation of subdrains, compaction of fill materials, installation of debris flow and sediment catchment walls, deflection walls, and the installation of both light duty and heavy duty erosion and sediment control measures such as lining for channels, hydroseeding and mulching, and anchored matting.  During construction, SFB provided cost effective engineering support, interactions with City staff to keep the project on target, and construction observation and testing for all earthwork, grading, subdrain installation, wall installation, and all erosion and sediment control measures.

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